Portfolio Tips from the Experts

Junior to senior UX Designers of all types are welcome to bring their portfolio links for quick reviews in breakout sessions. Be sure to RSVP before volunteering for a review. Panelists include: Guintu is a full-time dad, sketchnoter, and soft-skills ninja, Dante enjoys solving big, gnarly design challenges in enterprise software. As a career transitioner,...

Networking: Making Genuine Connections at a Conference/Event

No more of that awkward standing around. Learn how to make networking work for you at conferences in 2022. Panelists include Career Coach Juliet Barrett, who focuses on helping creatives develop process strategies, tools for self-evaluation and streamlined practices that break down large goals into actionable steps.

The Content Design Career Path

The UX Design field is vast and varied. Learn more about the UX path of content design and see if it is for you.

The Accessibility Design Career Path

The need for designers who specialize in accessibility has grown in demand as companies realize that inclusive design is the right thing to do and that accessible digital products outperform competitors by 50 percent. That's because inclusive products benefit everyone not just the roughly one billion people considered disabled worldwide. In this meetup, we discussed...

Where Product Management and UX Meet

Back by popular demand, UX in ATX is hosting another night of short UX Talks. The topic: Product Management.Our three guest speakers presented on different aspects of where UX and Product Management meet. Speakers Duarte will speak about the future of product development.Duarte says product development is not what it used to be. The way...

The Designer-Developer Relationship

How UX designers can have better working relationship with engineers UX designers rarely work in isolation. They are part of a larger team, making products for our end users. In July 2022, we looked at how designers can improve their working relationship with developers and engineers. We invited a group of developers for a panel...

What you should know about Agile and Lean UX

Agile frameworks are often used in industries that employ UX Designers, but design bootcamps can be light on information.Learn how UX and agile work together through the experiences of veteran designers. Hear from, Mike Gallers, a staff UX Designer, with 20 years of experience doing UX for companies large and small. He has worked on...

Design Skills Matrix Workshop – Finding your job ready skills

10/26 “The Red Pill” @ 6:00pm-7:30pm Have you ever wondered how to identify your own design strengths and which areas you need to work on developing? Do you struggle knowing which types of job roles you might be suited for? Join us as Maigen Thomas, senior UX designer, takes us through the interactive Design Skills...

Design Skills Framework: Skills to advance your career and build wholesome teams

11/17  @ 6:00pm-7:30pm (rescheduled from 10/27) Developing both the depth and breadth of your skills is essential to becoming an effective collaborator and influential designer.Do you want to learn how identifying individual skill clusters could not only advance your career but also promote effective teams?Andreina Dyer will lead night two of this workshop with golden...

Figma Workshop: How to use auto-layout

Learning a new tool such as auto-layout can be confusing or challenging for many designers, but Figma offers some extremely powerful and useful mechanics that can drastically improve your designs. In this session, our Figma expert, Nathan Flores, will begin by walking through auto-layout and its ability to provide consistency, flexibility, and a guideline for...

How to Rock Your Personal Brand on Social Media

New Year, New You! Struggling to solidify your personal brand identity?  LinkedIn profile not capturing the sparkle you could bring to a new project or team? See the UX in ATX recap with special guest: Sha-Lene Pung who discusses how to develop your personal brand on LinkedIn and other social media. Sha-Lene presents 10 simple...

UX in ATX Armadillo Den Happy Hour

Attention UX in ATX resident Austinites! Join us for an in-person happy hour at Armadillo Den on Friday, February 3rd from 5:00-7:00pm. Grab a frozen drink from the bar, munch on a snack from one of the food trucks, and come socialize with other amazing Austin-based UX peeps so we can meet each other IRL...