graphic text says Dec 2022 Figma workshop

Auto Layout in Figma

Learning a new tool such as auto-layout can be confusing or challenging for many designers, but Figma offers some extremely powerful and useful mechanics that can drastically improve your designs. In this session, our Figma expert, Nathan Flores, walked through auto-layout and its ability to provide consistency, flexibility, and a guideline for future work.Topics:

graphic says Sept 2022 Career workshop

Design Skills Framework: Skills to advance your career and build wholesome teams

Developing both the depth and breadth of your skills is essential to becoming an effective collaborator and influential designer. Do you want to learn how identifying individual skill clusters could not only advance your career but also promote effective teams? Andreina Dyer led this workshop with golden nuggets of information on how individuals, managers, and…

graphic text says may 2022 live panel discussion

The Accessibility Design Path

The need for designers who specialize in accessibility has grown in demand as companies realize that inclusive design is the right thing to do and that accessible digital products outperform competitors by 50 percent.That’s because inclusive products benefit everyone not just the roughly one billion people considered disabled worldwide. In this meetup, we discussed what…

graphic text says mar 2022 speaker presentation

How to get the most out your conference experience

No more of that awkward standing around. Learn how to make networking work for you at conferences. Panelists included Career Coach Juliet Barrett, who focuses on helping creatives develop process strategies, tools for self-evaluation and streamlined practices that break down large goals into actionable steps, and Focal Point Business Coach Chris Gay.

graphic text says jan 2022 goal-setting workshop

Goal-setting for Designers

Are you ready to tackle your professional goals in the new year?UX in ATX co-founder and Standard Beagle Creative Director Cindy Brummer hosted a goal-setting workshop to kick off the year with a bang. In this workshop, Cindy guided us through the reflection and vision-setting tools she has been using successfully for herself and her…